The 1958 will not stop. We will be relentless in our pursuit for clarity, visibility and accountability. This This will continue until new sustainable fan focused ownership is in place at our football club. This also includes factions of our own fanbase we feel have ulterior motives other than wanting the best for the club and fans.
Following the protest in May 2021 our supporter’s representation has had a seat in the boardroom. The consolidated voice for the fan base. However, NOTHING has progressed, and silence for far too long. It’s perfectly reasonable to question this!
We have asked questions, asked strong direct questions to our silent representation. The response has been astounding but speaks volume for the integrity and validity of its very existence and meaning. Behaving like petulant schoolboys. Blocking fans and paying members. Totally lost the plot. An organisation who have failed and are not fit for purpose. We tried and it took you two tweets to spit your dummy’s out and go on the back foot. Make of that what you will. At some stage in the future, we may release information to the wider public on what is happening behind the scenes and the panic stricken moves you are making. For now, let’s take a look since our last update.
- Attacks on the fan base they perceive to represent.
- PR appeasing interviews and manipulation through media connections.
- An ultimatum to the Glazers but no intention stated if not acceptable.
- No strategy. No meaningful progression. No ideas. No clue.
- Gleefully blocking fans and paying members including The 1958.
Is this really an open, honest, transparent organisation you want representing our views and demands?
A recent comment by the Trust’s CEO aimed at The 1958 “Literally spend more time “attacking” M.U.S.T. than the Glazers”
If you call a total of two tweets asking real questions, we all want answers to and demanding transparency then what can we say?
M.U.S.T. is the voice of the fans. They are the link between our fan base and the owners (allegedly). WE WILL ask you questions and WE WILL continue to ask them. You can’t block an entire fanbase or silence their questions.
If you had been more contrite in your replies and taken accountability for your failures. We could have moved forward. As it stands so be it. You are what you are. We never wanted to be viewed in the same light. That was not the intention. We are not another MUST we are not another Drasdo. Let us make that crystal clear.
Most match going fans don’t trust you anyway (I’m sure you are aware of that). We have the support of match reds worldwide. We don’t need MUST we continue without them.
We think this is a good time to share more details of our intentions and The 1958.
We will remain faceless. We don’t want recognition, likes, subs, followers or anything else. We just want our club back. That’s our priority and it won’t be diluted with raffles, charity work (useful as it is) or anything else.
We are a group of Manchester United supporters who have variable levels of influence, stature and visibility within our fan base. We know you, you know us, but for now the identity of our members will remain private. But WE ARE increasing in numbers.
We know what our strategy is. The rumoured 1% share scheme is simply not acceptable. It’s a token gesture and means nothing. No voice, no influence. No point! We will share in the next week what we require and expect here.
We will protest at the Chelsea game no matter what the date. Flares burn brighter at night 🔥
We have made contact with MUSC at home and abroad to discuss support and sustainable actions for the protest and beyond.
We have opened our DM’s and currently consolidating ideas and responses to the overwhelming number of United fans who have been in contact and want to help and facilitate real change. Thank you once again for the massive response we have had. We replied to everyone who contacted us because you are fans just like us and deserved it.
We will be partnering with trusted accounts to deliver our message and updates through podcasts and other media outlets. M.U.S.T will NOT be invited for a Q&A on this now.
We will continue until the Glazers are removed!
So, we call on all Manchester United supporters at home and around the world. Share, Retweet, tag to get the message out there. We will unite and we will force change.
Relentless consistency
Some things are worth fighting for…
The 1958 🇾🇪