• Mon. Jan 20th, 2025

The 1958

Some things are worth fighting for...

Update for Liverpool

Aug 13, 2022

The 1958 will always support any action against our unfit and improper owners so long as it’s legal and peaceful in order for us to build support, momentum and trust within our fanbase. This is also critical to mount a sustained campaign against this ownership, something that has never been done before.

We have a long term plan to raise awareness, build pressure and make owning our great club really untenable for the Glazers. We will be steadfast and determined in following this through. We hope you have seen this from us to date and we plan on delivering on this for ourselves, the next generation and every genuine fan who loves the club.

So, with that being said a hashtag is not a movement nor does a hashtag signify the amount of planning required to pull off a protest or any other action. You need to understand terrace culture, have connections and be aware of the different factions and interests within our match going fanbase.

A boycott is not an original idea, it’s been discussed and tried since 2005 on more than one occasion. Whilst social media raises awareness to some extent. This will not translate to all the match going fanbase and certainly not in the time it would require before the 22nd.

It requires proper planning, co-ordination, agreement between groups and their members and is not something that can be done over social media. When the time is right and for the right game this is something we are prepared to do with proper planning behind it and everyone can play their part to give it the best chance of being successful.

Social media is great for certain aspects of our campaigns and plans. We recently called out the main social media aggregators to get involved in social media campaigns. Although some supported, in the main the silence was deafening and it’s clear these accounts do not have the best interests of our club at heart.

Everybody has a part to play in this fight against the Glazers it’s understanding which battles you can best contribute to. We know what is possible and what isn’t, this changes all the time. We know what is borderline possible and what isn’t. There are plenty of online campaigns currently across social media you can get involved in and its great to see this being taken on by others now. This needs to build.

We have also confirmed our understanding with our connections across all the main fan groups and it’s unanimous that this will not work on this occasion. We want all actions to be as successful as possible to ensure momentum and pressure is placed on the ownership.

However, the 1958 will stay with our core values to the fan base and our goals. We will always stand side by side with anyone protesting against this ownership.

For Liverpool, we will plant The 1958 flag at the Trinity for those wanting to make a stand from 7:30pm. In support of matchgoing and non matchgoing fans who have made the journey to show their discontent against this failing ownership.

The 1958 will always stand with our fan base!

The fight WILL continue. We will only achieve our goal if we stand together!

It’s great to see the momentum and that other accounts and media are finally calling for unity across our fanbase (whatever their motives may be we don’t care, better late than never). For those that have been following us for months you will know this is one of our core values.

We urge anyone to please contact us for any future ideas or plans concerning match day actions so we can help to validate the feasibility and provide help, support and advice. We are all on the same side and it’s crucial the momentum and pressure is maintained above all else.

Our plans for Liverpool will be released early next week.

Keep believing and fighting the fight.

This is a war not a battle, dig yourselves in and be prepared for the long haul.

The 1958 :yemen: