• Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

The 1958

Some things are worth fighting for...

Newcastle Protest Update

Oct 17, 2022

The 1958 would like to thank everyone who stood shoulder to shoulder with us on the protest against our ownership yesterday. It was another impressive turnout and the fight goes on and will continue to do so.

We urge everyone to not get disheartened with either GlazersOut not trending our protest attendance. We have always said that this is a marathon not a sprint. We all need to have patience and stay the course. The ownership want nothing more than for all this to blow over, like it always has done in the past.


Marching from the Tollgate

We know this is working and whilst it may not achieve instant results which some fans crave for. This is the best course of action to take in ridding ourselves of this ownership. We will be doing an expose on this in the next week or so and also revealing some insights we have been made aware of.

There is a disconnect between what is practical and achievable and what people expect. We will be addressing this with some education and awareness over the coming weeks.

Protest banners

We also ask for anybody who has not listened to our most recent podcast to do so. It covers a lot of what this post is about and much more. The link for this is below and we will commit to doing more of these to spread awareness.

This podcast which was done a few weeks ago (and also one back in April) clearly state three areas:

  • The club is trying to marginalise the match going fanbase. This is irrefutable and more fans are becoming aware of this recently.
  • We have just as big a challenge to unite this fanbase than we have of getting the Glazers out.
  • The ESL is not dead, the Glazers are banking on this along with the Americanisation of our league.

You have been warned and we all need to play our part in spreading the word

So, onto yesterdays protest. We always carefully calculate and measure any action we do. Yesterday was yet another temperature check for a game that had no real TV coverage (Sky covered City and Villa) and also for one of the less exclusive clubs to visit Old Trafford.

We go back to everyone calling to empty the ground or boycott a stand. This is simply not possible currently. It is something we will commit to do once we feel we have the support and awareness along with a detailed plan which we are already working on.

When the time is right we will commit to doing this.

Anyone who attended the protest yesterday will have seen and understand why:

  • Fans looking at you like you support another club. In total apathy and filming you going past.
  • Fans chanting Glazers Out and walking in the opposite direction not alongside you.
  • Fans chanting Glazers Out and heading into the turnstiles.
  • Some fans looking like they don’t even know who the Glazers are.
  • We fully expected this in the 58 and would have been surprised with any other outcome.

We announce that there will be no protest for the Spurs game


We will be evolving. We will be scaling. We will be moving onto our next phase.

Watch this space.

We are all in this together.

We fight for you. We fight for us. We fight for family. We fight for United.

Keep believing 🇾🇪