• Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

The 1958

Some things are worth fighting for...

Do protests work?

Oct 25, 2022

On October the 15th and 16th, NBC in the US held a Premier League fan festival. Showing all PL games that weekend and guests included former footballers from the UK which included Alan Shearer an Ian Wright.

The 1958 have been in discussions with various supporters’ clubs in the US who want to protest against the Glazers and the fans fest looked a great opportunity. NBC hold the rights to show PL fixtures in the US. Coverage would be all over NBC’s social and media outlets. A great opportunity for United fans in the States and around the world to see that the Glazers selling our football club is a strong sentiment held by our brother and sister in the US as it is in the UK.

Just the start, bringing the protest to the Glazers front door!

Discussions between our groups had set a firm plan. Our supporters in the US would don the Green & Gold. Hold ‘Glazer Out’ banners and position themselves so this would be captured by the live broadcast and also photo and filming opportunities throughout the festival. The day would have started with a march from a local pub to the fan fest.

Two days before the festival, one member of a MUSC had been on a call with representatives of Manchester United who advised them that NBC will not film any Green & Gold colours representing a visual protest against the Glazer family. Under no uncertain terms if United fans choose to use these colours or hold protest banners they will not be filmed or photographed. See screenshots of this we have been sent.

Clearly a pressure tactic from the club to dampen fan protests. To silence our rights as United supporters to protest against the Glazer ownership. We have heard and experienced all this before, right?

Our fellow fans in the States decided that they will continue to don Green & Gold and take their banners to the fest. However, as expected little or no coverage was available on the NBC official channels. Our banners included sprayed bedsheets and smaller ‘Glazers Out’ signs. Also, continuous ‘Glazers Out’ chants which was ignored by NBC.

All this leads to one conclusion. Visual protests do have a big impact on this ownership. As we have seen with Sky Sports coverage lately. The club are putting pressure on the media outlets. They don’t want our protests televised because it causes damage to their dividend payments. The Glazers need investment, they need cash, they have run our club into the ground. Investors know the Glazers are against the ropes because they know the fan base wants them gone!

Why would you want your product on TV and linked to an ownership that has ruined a football institution. During every game fans protesting against this ownership and showing how much they are despised live on TV.

Below are details of communications we had with our colleagues in the States. Further proof of the pressure the club puts on the fan base to stop protesting against this ownership.

The club and owners continue to censor

The Glazers do not want this. Richard Arnold quoted that United fans have the right to protest. He also confirmed that protests do have an impact. The club are using other tactics to try and suppress us! We will continue to work with our colleagues in the States. This isn’t the end. It’s the beginning!

We have also received this email in follow up. We have <REDACTED> any names or references in the interests of protecting the source.

We continue to grow, scale and form alliances. We keep going. We keep believing. Like we mentioned in our Newcastle protest update. We are evolving. Big news and announcements to follow. As we have said before, this is a marathon not a sprint. Patience and support is key.

The 1958 🇾🇪