• Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

The 1958

Some things are worth fighting for...

Statement from The 1958

Apr 7, 2022

We start with an update from our last statement regarding comments made concerning the TRA. We stated that the TRA has connections with a former TRA organiser who is now employed by the club. Upon further discussions and information, we have been made aware that whilst this used to be the case, this is not the case today. The 1958 are happy to put right any incorrect information in the spirit of continued dialogue and eventual fan unity towards our main objective.

Despite reaching out to M.U.S.T. and so far, they have not engaged in any dialogue. Today we have seen another news article in The Guardian stating the same update we have known for weeks ‘M.U.S.T. have received proposals for a fan share scheme that doesn’t meet the trusts benchmark’.

So, we ask the question again. Why did the trust feel this information was not fit to be shared with members, and if the Glazers do not present a suitable proposal by the anniversary of the ESL announcement, what will be your action? Will you be prepared to protest with the fans at the Chelsea game? Unfortunately, so far, the silence is deafening…

The 1958 have also shared our contacts, who will answer questions collate ideas and facilitate (openly) with trusts and organisations who wish to support the protest for the Chelsea game and develop consistent pressure and strategies moving forward. To re-iterate our approach is relentless, legal and peaceful protests, strategies and actions.

We will update fully once the F.A. Cup semi-final has been played and a date for the game has been confirmed. Remember, flares burn brighter at night 🔥

Our DMs are still open. The sheer number of messages we have received has been both humbling and inspiring. The passion and anger towards these parasites, who have spiralled our football club into continued decline and decay pushes The 1958 to work harder to unite this fan base and remove this leeching ownership.

However, we stand firm to our original values. The 1958 will remain relentless! You are either with us or against us. For the Glazers or against the Glazers it’s that simple. We will continue with dialogue. But we will not be appeased as other organisations have so far. We will demand support from the larger factions in our fan base. If this fails, we will inform the fans! You need to know. We will always listen to the fans and hold to account any pacifying actions or developments. Accountability, transparency and visibility.

But in the end, ultimately, it is down to you as a collective if we succeed. It is down to us. It is down to all Manchester United supporters and fans worldwide to unite as one voice.

Chelsea at home! We go again!

Some things are worth fighting for…

The 1958 🇾🇪